Top 10 Reasons to Join a Birth Network
10. Education is essential! Many Birth Networks offer continuing education and training opportunities, often at a discount for members. 9. It’s all about networking… a Birth Network, that is. Discover how to promote your business through this new outlet. 8. Help expecting moms in your area find doulas, childbirth classes and fitness programs by sending them to your Birth Network’s referral list. 7. Do you or one of your clients feel disheartened by a recent birthing experience? Learn how to effect change in maternity care by becoming active within your Birth Network. 6. Has your two-year-old worn out his welcome in your current play group? Find out what your Birth Network has to offer. 5. Learn more about the hottest new book on birth or breastfeeding through your Birth Network’s resource list. 4. Earn brownie points and be “in the know” by referring new parents to your Birth Network for a list of local lactation consultants, parenting classes and pediatricians. 3. Everyone needs a night out—make it educational by attending a speaker’s event, movie screening or fundraiser at your local Birth Network. 2. Who isn’t looking to save a buck in this economy? Many Birth Networks offer discounts and perks at local shops or online partners. 1. Finally, a place to meet other people who are crazy about birth! If you can’t find a Birth Network in your area, consider starting one of your own. Visit the Lamaze Web site to find tools, tips and resources, including information on how to apply for a mini-grant to support your Birth Network.