Just to let you all know, I am in my 30th week of pregnancy. Why does this matter? Because this time in my last pregnancy I had developed severe preeclampsia, had to get admitted to the hospital for observation and try to get my BP down with magnesium sulfate (not fun), then be told three days later I had to deliver my daughter at 31 weeks in order to survive. [For the birth story according to my husband, click HERE. It really is a good read! There are pictures, too.] I do intend to write my own version of that birth one day... I think I am waiting to see how my second birth experience goes.
This time around, however, I feel fantastic - well, for a pregnant woman ;o) I have gained an appropriate amount of weight, I do not feel like I am wearing a fat suit I cannot take off, I do not look like a melting wax figure, and I have a fantastic midwife who comes to my house for checkups instead of being shuffled through a doctor's office and having to spend an ungodly amount of time in a crowded waiting room...
So much I have learned from that pregnancy to this one. So much has happened. I became a Childbirth Educator for BabyBodyBirth, a Co-leader for Brevard BirthNetwork, I breastfed my DD until her third birthday, and a much more educated woman/mother/human.
My favorite movies now include 'Business of Being Born,' 'Orgasmic Birth,' 'Born in the USA,' and I hope to see 'Pregnant in America' soon!
So, the day after Christmas will be one day past 31 weeks...the longest I have ever been pregnant. I believe I will make it!
p.s. I am due in late February 2009. I hate specific 'due dates.' It really should be a 'due week' or 'due month'......